
[Happiness Is...]

Happiness is...

Waking up in the morning with my husband's arms around me.

Hearing my husband tell me that he loves me and that he knows that he made the right choice in marrying me.

The feeling I get when my husband tells me that I am beautiful.

Happines is...

Knowing that I can make a small difference in one persons life.

Having friends who care about me and miss me when I'm not around.

Remembering my childhood and the fun things I used to do.

Happiness is...

Being in love for the first time and being able to be with him for the rest of my life.

Feeling accepted in a world where I always felt out of place.

Remembering that happiness is not who I am on the outside, but that it is who I choose to be on the inside.

Happiness is...

What I choose to make of it.

Happiness is...

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